yacx-YetAnotherCudaExecutor  0.6.2
wrapper to easily compile and execute cuda kernels
#include "yacx/main.hpp"
#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#include <cstdio>
#include <ctime>
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <random>
#include <string>
void compare(float *lhs, float *rhs, int width) {
int errors = 0;
for (int i{0}; i < width; i += 1) {
//printf("[%d] expected %f : actually %f\n", i, lhs[i], rhs[i]);
if ((lhs[i] - rhs[i]) != 0) {
errors += 1;
if (errors > 0)
printf("\u001b[31m%d errors occured, out of %d values.\u001b[0m\n", errors,
printf("\u001b[32mno errors occured.\u001b[0m\n");
std::function<bool(const float &, const float &)> comparator =
[](const float &left, const float &right) {
// double epsilon{1.0E-8};
double epsilon{1};
return (abs(left - right) < epsilon);
template <class Iter>
void fill(Iter start, Iter end, int min = 0, int max = 100) {
static std::random_device rd;
static std::mt19937 mte(rd());
std::uniform_int_distribution<int> dist(min, max);
std::generate(start, end, [&]() { return dist(mte); });
void MatrixMulSeq(const float *M, const float *N, float *P, size_t width) {
size_t Col, Row, k;
for (Col = 0; Col < width; ++Col)
for (Row = 0; Row < width; ++Row) {
float sum = 0;
for (k = 0; k < width; k += 1) {
sum += M[Row * width + k] * N[k * width + Col];
P[Row * width + Col] = sum;
int main() {
std::clock_t start;
bool equalMultiply1, equalMultiply1unfolded, equalMultiply2,
const size_t WIDTH{1024};
const size_t BLOCK_SIZE{16};
const size_t GRANULARITY{4};
const size_t matrix_size{WIDTH * WIDTH * sizeof(float)};
static_assert(WIDTH % BLOCK_SIZE == 0);
static_assert(BLOCK_SIZE % GRANULARITY == 0);
// problem with WIDTH > 500
// std::array<float, WIDTH * WIDTH> M, N, P_cuda, P_seq;
float *M = new float[WIDTH * WIDTH];
float *N = new float[WIDTH * WIDTH];
float *P_seq = new float[WIDTH * WIDTH];
float *P_cuda = new float[WIDTH * WIDTH];
KernelTime time;
// Fill arrays with random values
// fill(N.begin(), N.end());
// fill(M.begin(), M.end());
fill(M, M + (WIDTH * WIDTH));
fill(N, N + (WIDTH * WIDTH));
try {
// Select Device
Device dev = Devices::findDevice();
std::cout << "===================================\n";
std::cout << "Selected " << dev.name() << " with "
<< (dev.total_memory() / 1024) / 1024 << "mb VRAM\n";
std::cout << "Kernel Arguments total size: "
<< ((matrix_size * 3 + sizeof(size_t)) / 1024) << "kb\n\n";
std::cout << "Theoretical Bandwith: "
<< yacx::theoretical_bandwidth(dev) << " GB/s\n";
// Set kernel string and compile options
Source source{load("examples/kernels/matrixMult.cu")};
Options options;
options.insert("--std", "c++14");
// Set arguments
std::vector<KernelArg> args;
// args.emplace_back(KernelArg{M.data(), matrix_size});
// args.emplace_back(KernelArg{N.data(), matrix_size});
// args.emplace_back(KernelArg{P_cuda.data(), matrix_size, true, false});
args.emplace_back(KernelArg{M, matrix_size});
args.emplace_back(KernelArg{N, matrix_size});
args.emplace_back(KernelArg{P_cuda, matrix_size, true, false});
args.emplace_back(KernelArg{const_cast<size_t *>(&WIDTH)});
// Compile Kernels
dim3 grid(WIDTH, WIDTH);
dim3 block(1, 1);
Kernel kernelNaive = source.program("MatrixMultyNaive")
.configure(grid, block);
block.x = BLOCK_SIZE;
grid.x = WIDTH / block.x;
grid.y = WIDTH / GRANULARITY / block.y;
// std::cout << "get_global_size(0): " << block.x * grid.x << std::endl;
// std::cout << "get_global_size(1): " << block.y * grid.y << std::endl;
// std::cout << "get_local_size(0): " << block.x << std::endl;
// std::cout << "get_local_size(1): " << block.y << std::endl;
Kernel kernel1 = source.program("MatrixMulty1")
.configure(grid, block);
block.x = BLOCK_SIZE;
block.y = BLOCK_SIZE / 4;
grid.x = WIDTH / block.x;
grid.y = WIDTH / 4 / block.y;
Kernel kernel1_1 = source.program("MatrixMulty1unfolded")
.configure(grid, block);
block.x = BLOCK_SIZE;
block.y = BLOCK_SIZE;
grid.x = WIDTH / BLOCK_SIZE;
grid.y = WIDTH / BLOCK_SIZE;
Kernel kernel2 = source.program("MatrixMulty2")
.configure(grid, block);
// Launch kernels
// CPU single threaded matrix multiplication
start = std::clock();
// MatrixMulSeq(M.data(), N.data(), P_seq.data(), WIDTH);
MatrixMulSeq(M, N, P_seq, WIDTH);
std::cout << "Time" << yacx::gColorBrightYellow << "[CPU single threaded]"
<< yacx::gColorReset << ": "
<< (std::clock() - start) / (double)(CLOCKS_PER_SEC / 1000)
<< " ms" << std::endl;
time = kernelNaive.launch(args, dev);
std::cout << "Time" << yacx::gColorBrightYellow << "[MatrixMultyNaive]"
<< yacx::gColorReset << ": " << time.total << " ms\n";
std::cout << "Effective Bandwith: "
<< time.effective_bandwidth_launch() << " GB/s\n";
equalMultiplyNaive =
std::equal(P_cuda, P_cuda + (WIDTH * WIDTH), P_seq, comparator);
if (!equalMultiplyNaive)
compare(P_seq, P_cuda, WIDTH * WIDTH);
if (BLOCK_SIZE % 4 == 0) {
time = kernel1_1.launch(args, dev);
std::cout << "Time" << yacx::gColorBrightYellow
<< "[MatrixMulty1unfolded]" << yacx::gColorReset << ": "
<< time.total << " ms\n";
std::cout << "Effective Bandwith: "
<< time.effective_bandwidth_launch() << " GB/s\n";
equalMultiply1unfolded =
std::equal(P_cuda, P_cuda + (WIDTH * WIDTH), P_seq, comparator);
if (!equalMultiply1unfolded)
compare(P_seq, P_cuda, WIDTH * WIDTH);
} else {
equalMultiply1unfolded = true;
time = kernel1.launch(args, dev);
std::cout << "Time" << yacx::gColorBrightYellow << "[MatrixMulty1]"
<< yacx::gColorReset << ": " << time.total << " ms\n";
std::cout << "Effective Bandwith: "
<< time.effective_bandwidth_launch() << " GB/s\n";
equalMultiply1 =
std::equal(P_cuda, P_cuda + (WIDTH * WIDTH), P_seq, comparator);
if (!equalMultiply1)
compare(P_seq, P_cuda, WIDTH * WIDTH);
time = kernel2.launch(args, dev);
std::cout << "Time" << yacx::gColorBrightYellow << "[MatrixMulty2]"
<< yacx::gColorReset << ": " << time.total << " ms\n";
std::cout << "Effective Bandwith: "
<< time.effective_bandwidth_launch() << " GB/s\n\n";
equalMultiply2 =
std::equal(P_cuda, P_cuda + (WIDTH * WIDTH), P_seq, comparator);
if (!equalMultiply2)
compare(P_seq, P_cuda, WIDTH * WIDTH);
} catch (const std::exception &e) {
std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl;
if (equalMultiplyNaive && equalMultiply1 && equalMultiply1unfolded &&
equalMultiply2) {
std::cout << yacx::gColorBrightGreen
<< "Everything was correctly calculated!" << yacx::gColorReset;
} else {
std::cout << yacx::gColorBrightRed;
if (!equalMultiplyNaive) {
std::cout << "Naive went wrong ;_;\n";
if (!equalMultiply1) {
std::cout << "Multy1 went wrong ;_;\n";
if (!equalMultiply1unfolded) {
std::cout << "Multy1unfolded went wrong ;_;\n";
if (!equalMultiply2) {
std::cout << "Multy2 went wrong ;_;\n";
std::cout << yacx::gColorReset
<< "===================================" << std::endl;
// Free resources
delete[] M;
delete[] N;
delete[] P_seq;
delete[] P_cuda;
return 0;
Definition: Options.hpp:97
C++ bindings to easily compile and execute CUDA kernels.
Definition: KernelTime.hpp:11
Options for compiling a Program.
Definition: Options.hpp:20
Definition: Devices.hpp:117
Definition: Devices.hpp:13
Definition: KernelArgs.hpp:81
Class to help launch and configure a CUDA kernel.
Definition: Kernel.hpp:31
Class to wrap kernel strings.
Definition: Source.hpp:19